© Marje Taska
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Artist Statement

My art practice mirrors my interests and my personal history. I make use of the subjective to get to something general such as philosophy, psychology and faith.

I have two tracks in my art practice. One consists of painting, printmaking and sculpture. I am inspired by oriental philosophy, nature, music and spiritual seeking. In my imagery I use geometry with its sacred semiotics and symbolism. The interrelation between the colours, their energy and temperature are profound to my painting practice.

The other track is my installations and objects. Here, the choice of materials is not as decisive; the narrative is of greater importance, which often is both personal and political. In my installations I explore my origin. My parents were academics in Estonia and fell victim of the cleansings of Stalin. Like 10 000 other Estonians they were during one night deported to Siberia. I was born in Tallinn, two days after my parents’ return from Siberia. I grew up in the Soviet Estonia and moved to Sweden in 1982. After the liberation of Estonia from Soviet in 1991, I have often visited my former home country and have actively participated in the cultural life there.

Built by pernin with Indexhibit

Foto: Meeli Küttim